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Scoring Engine

The Scoring Engine is responsible for scoring your team. Its structure and rules vary from competition to competition. It lives at (internal IP).


The DCDC Scoring Engine mimics the UTSA CIAS Scoring Engine.

Password Change Requests (PCR)

Password changes are done CCDC-style. This means that there is a permanent inject posting, to which you submit your password change files. During the competition, that posting will have up to date information on the format needed to process the PCR, but it will look something like:

Welcome to the password change request portal!
Your changes will not process unless you follow the naming convention:


Where X is your team number and Y is the iteration of password changes
for this services. For example, if I was team1, for my second password
change file for village-ssh, my file would be named:


In your password change file, use the format:


You must allow 3 to 5 minutes for password changes to take effect. You
do NOT need to provide us with password changes for "root" or "administrator"
accounts. Passwords can be up to 24 characters Long.

Make sure to only use the following special charaters:
. @ # $ % & ! ? : * ^ _ - + = < > ~

Of course, our scoring engine is not actually constricted to the length limit or special characters put forth, but it's a good habit to follow their restrictions so you're not caught off guard during the real competition.


Password Changes

scoring_engine.txt · Last modified: 2021/11/05 18:42 by Charlie Root

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